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Brief Introduction:
Shanghai is one of the four municipalities in China directly under the control of the Central Government. It is the country’s largest economic center and trading port, its largest industrial city as well as a major scientific, trade, financial and information center. Shanghai is also known as “China’s Excellent Tourism City” and has been nicknamed the “Paris of the Orient”. In 2010, it successfully hosted the World Expo.
Reasons for Recommendation:
Thanks to its "Special Culture," Shanghai's combines a traditional and stylish image with unique attractions that blend local features and global cultural elements. *Images courtesy of FOTOE
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Other names: Sheng, Hu, Paris of the Orient
Climate: subtropical, monsoon climate
Language: Simplified Chinese, Cantonese
Telephone code: 021
Postal code: 200000
  Location: Yangtze River Delta, East China
Emergency numbers: police 110; first aid 120; fire 119
Currency: Renminbi (RMB)                              
Exchange rate:
1 U.S. dollar = 6.65 RMB, 1 Euro = 8.81 RMB (for reference only)
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